Strange World (2022)
Walt Disney Animation Studios’ original action-packed comedy adventure, Strange World, introduces us to three generations of the legendary Clade family as they attempt to band together and navigate an uncharted, treacherous land beneath their world.
The voice cast includes Jake Gyllenhaal as Searcher Clade, a family man who finds himself out of his element on an unpredictable mission; Dennis Quaid as Searcher’s larger-than-life explorer father, Jaeger; Jaboukie Young-White as Searcher’s 16-year-old son, Ethan, who secretly stows away in search of the adventure he’s always wanted; Gabrielle Union as Meridian Clade, an accomplished pilot and Searcher’s partner in all things; and Lucy Liu as Callisto Mal, Avalonia’s fearless leader who spearheads the exploration into the strange world.
Strange World is helmed by director Don Hall and co-director/writer Qui Nguyen, and produced by Roy Conli.
Please be aware that this is a family-friendly screening.
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