This Valentine's Day, we are delighted to be partnering with our friends at The Railway Hotel…

COVID Safety Precautions and FAQ
We have completed an extensive Risk Assessment which can be viewed here. We ask that you please familiarise yourself with our new systems before arriving for a screening.
Please also remember that most of our team are volunteers – be kind! We are all doing our best to keep everybody safe.
Booking ahead
You will need to book your tickets in advance. This can be done on our website or on the phone during our office open hours. We will publish the times our phoneline will be manned in due course.
Entering the building
We have a new one-way system in place. You will need to enter through the Regal Cinema gates, join the socially distanced queue and enter the building through the side door that leads into the bar.
Exiting the building
You will need to remain seated after the film finishes – a volunteer usher will ask guests to leave one row at a time to avoid crowding in the aisle and foyer. Please wait patiently. The exit is through our double front doors.
Guest registration and contact tracing
As you enter the building a volunteer will ask you some questions and take your temperature with a non-contact thermometer. We will also be taking contact information for each household in order to comply with the Government’s Track and Trace system. This information will be kept for 21 days. If we are contacted by the Track & Trace service we will pass on the contact details of every household who attended The Regal at the screening in question.
Drinks and snacks at the bar
After guest registration you will be able to order your drinks and snacks from our bar on your way into the auditorium. Please note that the bar will be closed during the screening and guests are not permitted to remain at the bar – you must proceed directly to your seats.
Face coverings
It is now compulsory* to wear face coverings in cinemas. Guests must wear a mask or face covering to enter the building. This can only be removed once everybody is seated in the auditorium in order for you to eat or drink. You must put your face covering back on before leaving your seat at the end of a film or to use the facilities during the film.
Please be aware that a visor cannot be worn in place of a mask, bandanna or other face covering.
If you forget to bring your face covering we will have a small supply of masks available for purchase.
*children under 11 are exempt. If you, or a member of your household, have a medical condition that prevents the wearing of a face covering you should advise us of this ahead of the screening.
Social distancing in the auditorium
Households of up to 6 people will be able to sit next to each other. There will be a closed seat between each household booking in order to ensure social distancing. We have also closed all the aisle seats in order to ensure social distancing in the aisle.
Air handling in the auditorium
We have an air replacement system at The Regal and have increased the rate at which fresh air is brought into the auditorium during screenings. On cooler days this may make the auditorium a little chillier than usual – we recommend that you bring an extra layer, just in case.
The Government advises that “the risk of air conditioning spreading coronavirus (COVID-19) is extremely low as long as there is an adequate supply of fresh air and ventilation”. We will only use our separate air conditioning system when it is absolutely necessary during hot weather.
Using toilet facilities
We are operating a one-in-one-out system in the toilet facilities. An adult of the same household can still accompany a child and any adults who need mobility or other help can also be accompanied.
Hand sanitising stations
There are sanitising points around the building. Please make use of them! You will be asked to sanitise your hands upon arrival.
Enhanced cleaning regime
The entire building will be professionally cleaned between each screening and/or private hire. Staff and volunteers will also be carrying out regular ‘COVID touch point’ cleaning.
Staff and volunteer training and PPE
All staff and volunteers will have received special COVID training. They will be wearing face coverings at all times and, in the necessary roles (i.e. bar), they will also be wearing gloves.
Frequently asked questions
Can I wear a visor instead of a mask?
No. The Government website states that “a face visor or shield may be worn in addition to a face covering but not instead of one. This is because face visors or shields do not adequately cover the nose and mouth.”
Can I still leave my coat in the foyer?
A volunteer will be happy to take your coat upon your arrival if you wish. As you exit you will be able to collect your coat in the foyer from a volunteer – please do not take items from the rack yourself.
What if I can’t follow the one-way system due to accessibility needs?
Those with accessibility needs will still be able to exit through the bar side door and down our accessibility ramp. It is helpful if you can advise us of your needs ahead of the screening so that our volunteers and staff are in the best position possible to support your needs during your visit.
Have you considered a pre-ordering system for the bar?
We have, and unfortunately our systems do not have the ability to incorporate a pre-ordering facility at this time. As a non-profit community cinema we cannot currently justify the expense of establishing a new system at this time.
What if I’m running late?
If you arrive after the advertised start time, regrettably our bar will be closed and you will not be able to purchase any refreshments. It is up to the discretion of the staff and volunteers as to whether you are still able to enter the auditorium if you are more than 10 minutes late. Please note that all films at The Regal Cinema start promptly and within 5 minutes of the advertised start time.
What if I need to use toilet facilities during the screening?
You are permitted to leave your seat to use the toilet facilities. However, you must ensure that your face covering is on before leaving your seat. The risk to you and others from briefly passing other guests as you exit the auditorium is extremely low.
What about the “rule of 6”?
We have been advised by the UK Cinema Association that “at this time that they do not apply to cinemas which were exempt from the previous ’30 person’ limit on gatherings”.
Regarding our Private Hires we have been told that these can continue to go ahead so long as “no group of more than six sit together and normal social distancing applies”.
If you still have some questions please contact the cinema team on